Core Drilling
The core drill is an essential diamond tool used in the professional concrete cutting industry.

Typical Applications
- Plumbing holes
- HVAC openings
- Electrical openings
- Stitch drilling for duct openings
- Deep hole drilling for anchoring systems
- Sewer connections
- Pre-cast hollow core drilling
- Wire saw access holes
Typical Areas of Use
- New apartment buildings
- Interior renovations
- Commercial & Industrial projects
- Core testing projects
- Bridge retrofits
- Hydroelectric projects
- Infrastructure projects
Upside-Down Core Drilling without Water
Di-Tech's specialty method of core drilling has no need for water, so it doesn't create dust or slurry. Traditional methods of upside-down core drilling creates a mess covering the work area with water and slurry. Our method reduces the need to cover and protect the worksite. It dramatically reduces the potential for property damage and is much safer for the driller and people near the work area.